Founded in 1925, The New Yorker publishes the best writers of its time and has received more National Magazine Awards than any other magazine, for its groundbreaking reporting, authoritative analysis, and creative inspiration. The New Yorker takes readers beyond the weekly print magazine with the web, mobile, tablet, social media, and signature events. The New Yorker is at once a classic and at the leading edge.
The Mail
Goings On
On And Off The Avenue: Gathering Steam
Comment: Health Hazard
Brave New World: Rot-Com
Shoe-In: Cinderella Story
The Real Thing: Night Court X Two
In or Out Dept.: Not Tonight
Our Local Correspondents: Where’s Elvis? • Bandits grabbed a kitschy plaster bust. Was it a theft or a liberation?
Annals of Real Estate: House Call • Homeownership is now the subject of black comedies and midlife-crisis novels.
Shouts & Murmurs: Prayers for Everyday Life
The Political Scene: Texas Roundup • How Greg Abbott made his state the staging ground for Donald Trump’s mass-deportation campaign.
Poems: One Vessel
Letter from Sweden: Lip Service • Zyn and the new nicotine gold rush.
Poems: Saint Hyacinth Basilica
Fiction: Techniques and Idiosyncrasies
Takes: Louisa Thomas on John Updike’s “Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu”
Books: Fear Factor • How the Red Scare reshaped American politics.
Books: Briefly Noted
Books: Indescribable • The human disaster of the Irish famine.
The Art World: Time and Place • “Tatlin: Kyiv” explores a Russian Constructivist’s Ukrainian identity.
Dancing: Mourning Becomes Her • Akram Khan’s “Gigenis: The Generation of the Earth.”
Musical Events: Testing Their Limits • Two prodigious young pianists from South Korea.
The Current Cinema: Playtime • “Eephus.”
Cartoon Caption Contest
Puzzles & Games Dept.: The Crossword • A moderately challenging puzzle.