This is a counterculture call to gentleness, from a contemporary and accessible sage.
What happens when you begin to identify as Love––as the Soul beyond your personality constructs?
What changes when you see yourself––and others, through a Loving gaze? Everything.
Love is universal, but how we learn about it and express it is incredibly personal. Being Loving doesn't necessarily mean feeling more. It means feeling everything with more Love. It's the ultimate inclusiveness. Because in the heart, it's ALL IN—your light and your shadows—and everyone else's.
We do not need to focus on "fixing" ourselves. As we focus on living from our heart center—from Love—anything that's not in alignment with that Light falls away. This message is so liberating. And practical.
You'll learn that progress is more about letting go than learning new tricks. And...
Here it is. Heart centered, soul powered, and divinely timed. A place for nuance and Compassion, where profound acceptance has room to grow.
This is How to Be Loving.